2k Journal: Naj’s New Website (najphotos.com)
It’s finally here: Naj’s website – najphotos.com! It’s something that should’ve been finished a long time ago, but if a website is worth doing, it’s worth doing after massive and inexplicable delays.
Najphotos.com includes portfolios of the best of Naj’s photography, some of her great new videography projects, as well as contact forms for prospective clients who like what they see. There’s FAQs, a little about Naj herself, and even a link back to the best of Two Thousand Isles…if you like clicking round in circles.
So, check out her shiny new site (this one is so jealous right now), and please get in touch regarding photography, videography and general content-related projects.
FYI…najphotos.com, najphotos.com, najphotos.com, najphotos.com. That is all.